TurnCycle Disc
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Owning a motorcycle is great. Trying to turn one around? Not so much, unless you have the TurnCycle. This smart solution lets you easily spin your bike around on its center stand, eliminating the need for multi-point turns and awkward movements. Just drive onto the leveling mats, drop the center stand, and push down on the rear to lift the front tire off the ground — you can then easily turn the bike around and forget about reversing the next time you head out.
Made in Canada, the complete TurnCycle package includes levelling mats. Less than 0.5″ thick and 15.75″ in diameter, the TurnCycle disc weighs only 4.78 kg, but has a capacity of 454 kg. Priced at USD 184.99.
Via Uncrate
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Tags: spincycle turncycle disc