
Posted on Apr 30,2015 in Custom

Suzuki Katana » ICON 1000

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The 1982 Suzuki Katana was a machine before her time; a Nippon-Saxon gamble on starship styling to jumpstart Suzuki’s rather timid offerings. Thirty years on, the Katana is the darling of the ball, but in the early Eighties few were interested in dancing with the silver dame. The Katana, in stock form, is an acquired taste. Her diminutive fairings, rectangular headlight, awkward tank, and sofa’esque seat are a divisive mix. Not a superbike, nor a sport bike, but an obtuse side note in the performance bike narrative.


This Katana is ICON 1000’s interpretation of what could have been; one possible future. Built within the confines of the Portland based headquarters, ‘New Jack’ uses a host of late model componentry to bring the Kat into fighting trim.

A 1200cc motor, transplanted from a Suzuki Bandit, provides simple yet effective horsepower. As is often the case, big motors expose big structural problems. Therefore, the New Jack’s frame was triangulated with 1/4” plate to keep the wobbly’s at bay. Modern swingarm, superbike suspension, and a full rework of brakes help keep the rest of the ride five by five.

Source: ICON 1000

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