
Posted on May 06,2015 in Apparel

Saint Kevlar Motorcycle Drills

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Kevlar is a high-strength synthetic fibre widely used in everything from bicycles and race boat sails to supercars and body armour. We’ve even seen numerous high-end helmet and motorcycle apparel manufacturers craft their products either fully, or partially, from this super strong material.


Now an Australian outfit named Saint is showing off their Kevlar Motorcycle Drill, made entirely from black Kevlar. Designed specifically for use by motorcycle riders, the drills have been subjected to CE testing where they performed 7.7 times better than standard denim in high-speed abrasion resistance (3.62 seconds vs 0.47 seconds respectively). Triple stitched with bound seams, the ‘Roaches’ drills boast 360° tensile strength, slash, tear and heat resilience. Though it’s claimed to be five times stronger than steel, the drills are light and breathable, and use quality YKK zips and 3M reflective on the cuffs for added visibility. Also, being 100% Kevlar, it will retain shape through any wash and dry cycle, and will never shrink.


At USD 350 (around AED 1300), the Saint Kevlar Motorcycle Drills are not inexpensive, but sure look worth the money. Buy it here.

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