
Posted on May 07,2015 in Lifestyle

Industrial Desk Lamp

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You’ve seen a lot of motorcycle-derived lamps over here – like these ones from Urban Light Factory, Futility Studios and Classified Moto – and this one from Andrew Ziec is right up there with the best. A machinist and fabricator who works in a small shop that specialises in creating prototypes and low volume production runs, Andrew works on motorcycles and the random furniture piece in his spare time.


Commissioned by a friend who wanted something unique for her father, this lamp uses a Yamaha XS650 piston as the head, with two XS650 connecting rods at the arm, a large gear for the base and a motorcycle ignition switch as the on/off mechanism. It is fully adjustable thanks to the ball joints used in the arm, and light is provided by an LED bulb.


You can view Andrew’s work on his Facebook page and Etsy. The lamp will set you back by USD 450, but it ships only in the USA, sadly.

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