Moto Hangar Honda CB750
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This neat 1977 Honda CB750 features a custom tail and leather seat, tucked mini headlight and MotoGadget speedo, clip-ons and leather wrapped hand grips. Front end has been lowered an inch and raised an inch in the rear. 4-into-1 headers and stainless steel reverse cone muffler are also present, along with carbs tuned with pod filters.
Other bits comprise a modern master cylinder and brake lines with dual front discs, MotoGadget m-Unit and ballistic lithium battery with vintage aircraft push button and toggle switches. Porsche linen grey paint and stylized details finally set off the Moto Hangar build.
Check out our featured Moto Hangar builds, including a 1977 Yamaha RD400, 1979 Yamaha SR500 and 1991 Honda CBR600 F2.
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