
Posted on Jul 20,2015 in Custom

Deus Customs » Yamaha XV950 D-Side

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The Yamaha Yard Build Project fully involves renowned builder Deus Ex Machina who, after taking on the likes of the XJR and SR400, builds a full custom based on the XV950 Bolt.


This project takes inspiration from a different philosophy, because the bike goes from two to three wheels in the process of adding a sidecar – a build that is a first for both Deus Customs and Yamaha. And took by storm it did, when the Yamaha D-Side arrived at the last Wheels and Wave in Biarritz, where Deus and Yamaha decide to unlevel the bike.

The three men behind the project are – Shun Miyazawa, Yamaha Motor Europe Product Manager who pulled strings to realize a XV950-based custom, Filippo Bassoli, Deus Italy Chief and the inspiration behind the sidecar, and Emanuele Vicinanza, who is the heart of the italian Deus Workshop.

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