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Expemotion E-Raw Electric Concept | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Aug 17,2015 in Concept

Expemotion E-Raw Electric Concept

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Sometimes it seems like the world is awash in 2-D designs of electric motorcycles. Given the freedom that this particular platform allows, and the novelty of battery-powered bikes, it’s as though every student is required to have at least one of these two-wheeled flights of fancy in their portfolio. That’s fine, of course, even if the implausibility of so many is slightly off-putting.


The Expemotion E-Raw Electric Concept by Martin Hulin – a young French designer – is like so many of these, but, in at least one respect, much better: it actually made the leap from page to pavement. As in, it’s a real physical object. Sure, its motor and battery pack is a finely fashioned, if non-functioning, foam sculpture. And yeah, even if it did run, the wooden seat would make for blistered buttocks within a few miles of even the smoothest asphalt ribbon.

Still, we can’t help but admire the way its exoskeletal steel frame embraces its stylized faux drivetrain, or the emotion effused by the organic grain and curves of that multi-ply bench. We don’t think it’s a design that would make for profitable large-scale production, but it could certainly serve as basis for inspiration.


Perhaps the best part of this project, though, is the video of its creation. We sometimes forget that even the most modern of creations can be crafted using the most time-tested of tools and processes, and the footage above serves as a beautiful reminder of that. So, for four-and-a-half minutes of creative zen, click play and enjoy.

Source: Autoblog

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