
Posted on Aug 24,2015 in Bicycle

Surf Sidecar Bicycle

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The Sidecar Bicycle is a stout three-wheeler with a hardwood flatbed and a small 12″ wheel. At Horse, the team uses it for work and for play. It’s perfect for hauling packages around town, but afterhours you can just throw a surfboard or two on her and cruise down to the beach. It has approximately a 100lb load capacity = 3 large dogs. Made entirely of super strong chromoly alloy steel, this bike is built strong. The bike is sized with a small seat 52 cm tube, so most anyone can fit on her with longer super chill cockpit and a 57cm top tube.


The bicycle comes complete and ready to ride with 35mm tires, Brooks Saddle and Brooks Grips. The flatbed is made of hardwood oak, but is also available in reclaimed Coney Island Boardwalk salvaged from Hurricane Sandy.

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