Posted on Aug 25,2015 in Kawasaki

Kawasaki H2R at the Isle of Man

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James Hillier is a 30-year-old Englishman and certified electrician who rides for the Quattro Plant Kawasaki team. He is also a winner at the Isle of Man TT, taking the Lightweight class win in 2013. Kawasaki gave him a Ninja H2R for a demonstration lap around the 37.75-mile course, and Hillier didn’t waste the chance. As a reminder, the H2R is Kawasaki’s race-day beast putting out more than 300 horsepower from a 1.0-litre supercharged four-cylinder with carbon-fibre bodywork, so nothing gets slowed down.

During his parade lap Hillier set a new top-speed record on the island, hitting 206.2 miles per hour on the Sulby Straight. He carried out the feat in June, but now Kawasaki has video from the cameras mounted on the bike to go along with Hillier relating his run through the course and impressions of the bike. Unsurprisingly, he describes the H2R as “shocking,” “intimidating,” and “fierce.”

Source: Autoblog
Cover image by Tony Goldsmith

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