
Posted on Aug 29,2015 in Custom

Classified Moto » Shreveport Slammer

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Classified Moto, based in Richmond, VA, are no strangers to building beautiful custom motorcycles, and the Shreveport Slammer is no different. The little operation is known for a signature style of motorcycles that can only be categorized as “Classified”. They’re not café racers, they’re not choppers. Nor are they bobbers, street trackers or rat bikes. They’re a Frankenstein combo of old and modern components that add up to something fun and unique.


Perhaps their penultimate XV920R, this all-business little muscle bike will call Shreveport, Louisiana home. Built for custom 4×4 guru Wes Malmay, the 1982 chain drive XV features a first for Classified Moto — a stock swing arm fitted with a 1990s CB750 Nighthawk rear wheel. Apparently, the stock XV rear wheel is not fit for human eyes, but Wes didn’t want to go full-on Level 4, and so this nice compromise. The Nighthawk wheel matches the R6 wheel up front and, as mods go, wasn’t overly difficult. Lead tech Dani fabled up a nice clean exhaust which was nickel plated and mated to a stainless muffler.

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