
Posted on Sep 02,2015 in Lifestyle

Channel Islands Surfboards » THE MINI

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MINI has teamed up with acclaimed surfboard manufacturer Channel Islands Surfboards to develop a surfboard which “surfs like a MINI”. The board, called “THE MINI” attempts to capture MINI’s best attributes and has been shaped from scratch to cut through waves at speed with its short and sporty design. The development and design team included Christopher Weil, Head of Exterior Design at MINI, and US Open surfing Champion Kalani Robb. “To create this feeling of agility and speed, we’ve developed a board with a little extra tail volume. The board’s wider outline and low rocker really make it fly” explains Robb.


The MINI offers a ultra relaxed rocker, wider nose, wider squash tail, thinned rails, and aggressive single to double concave with vee out the tail. Taking a page from Al’s popular Skinny Fish design the MINI incorporates all the speed and wave catching ability of a traditional fish with the performance benefits of a squash tail. Designed to work best in knee to head high surf.


True to the nature of the MINI brand, surfers can customise their surfboard by choosing from almost any combination of stylish colours and schemes; from Chili Red to black rally stripes.

Buy it here.

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