
Posted on Sep 03,2015 in Yamaha

2016 Yamaha XSR700

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A big surprise that comes from Japan is the 2016 Yamaha XSR700, a motorcycle based on the MT-07, a model that has revolutionized the European market in recent months. With this new XSR, the Sport Heritage range evolves and reveals the “Faster Sons” philosophy to pay respectful homage to classic Yamaha and merge them with the latest technology. As tangible proof of this philosophy, Yamaha decided to work with legendary producer Shinya Kimura who lives in Los Angeles. The particular interpretation sees a basic MT-07 made for the real world, one that represents a perfect blend of retro style with cutting edge technology.

The 689cc inline 2-cylinder engine features Yamaha’s special ‘crossplane philosophy’, enabling it to develop linear torque for outstanding acceleration. The retro styled XSR700 also benefits from a tight and lightweight chassis for enhanced agility and handling.

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