
Posted on Sep 05,2015 in Lifestyle

Moment Case

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Moment currently make some of the best lenses for the iPhone; so why not move ahead and make it work more like a camera by adding a proper shutter button, lens, and strap attachment?

Touching the screen takes too long, especially with a moving subject. Located on top of the case, the Moment Shutter Button is a multi-state button that enables half press and full press features, just like a DSLR camera. You can half-press it to lock focus and exposure onto a subject like never before. Or hold it down to unlock burst mode.


By combining the press functionality of the shutter button with on-screen touch features, you can unlock advanced controls that were previously unattainable in mobile photography. No longer do you have to rely on a series of boxes to focus and meter your shot. You can use the shutter button to focus, and your fingers (touch and slide) to fine tune the lighting.

Included in the Moment Case is the proprietary lens interface. It makes your phone lens-ready while providing an industrial strength interface so you can leave your lens mounted in between shots. Best of all, the case knows when you attach a lens, enabling the Moment App to display certain features for each lens.


With traditional cameras, the strap is both functional and fashionable. Except in mobile photography it’s completely missing, forcing us to dig into a pocket every time we want to take a picture. By making it easy to attach a traditional camera strap to the Moment case your phone is instantly more accessible. Wearable on your wrist or around your neck, you can take more pictures of the important moments around you.

Available in Black/Black, Black/White and Black/Walnut. Buy it here for USD 69.99 and 99.99.

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