
Posted on Oct 04,2015 in BMW

BMW C 650 Sport and C 650 GT

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The differing conceptual emphasis of each of the two BMW maxi scooters enables a broader target group to be addressed than previously: the C 650 Sport is geared towards riders with a sporty bent while the C 650 GT sets its sights on those who attach greater importance to comfort and touring capability. With an extensively modified drivetrain, more comfortable suspension settings and a completely revised design for the C 650 Sport, they combine more markedly than before the excellent ride qualities of a motorcycle with the specific agility and comfort offered by the maxi scooter concept.


The 2-cylinder in-line engine with a capacity of 647cc ensures dynamic propulsion in the new maxi scooters. The rated output in both models is 60hp, while a variant with 48hp is also available. A new CVT transmission set-up in conjunction with new clutch linings enables optimised clutch engagement and therefore a significantly more dynamic set-off response. This was achieved by changing the transmission ratio spread of the CVT as well as by fine-tuning the centrifugal force weights.


The suspension construction of the new C 650 Sport and C 650 GT continues to use a torsionally stiff hybrid composite structure consisting of a tubular steel bridge frame and a die-cast aluminium unit in the area of the swinging arm bearing. Retaining the existing spring travel of 115mm in each case, it was possible to create a more comfortable suspension set-up.


Based on the “Safety 360°” principle, the optimum design of the brake system in conjunction with the standard BMW Motorrad ABS Bosch 9.1MB ensures the very highest level of active riding safety. Another safety feature is the Automatic Stability Control, which is now also on board ex works as standard. Additional comfort is also offered by a feature that is a world first for two-wheel vehicles – the first motorcycle rider assistance system Side View Assist. This new option for the C 650 GT supports the rider when changing lane, for instance, by monitoring the blind spot.


The new edition of the two models features a more modern, dynamic and future-oriented design for the C 650 Sport. By contrast, the C 650 GT – positioned in the Comfort subsegment – has been fine-tuned with new rear side trim panels and a new rear light unit. Both models have also been fitted with newly designed instrument dials as well as new handlebar trim.

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