Posted on Oct 11,2015 in Lifestyle

Light L16 Camera

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The Light L16 Camera looks ready to revolutionize the industry by replacing the traditional DSLR with what is called a “multi-aperture computational camera”, and using a powerful processor and proprietary algorithms to stitch together the results into a single high-quality 52 megapixel image, the camera lets you choose your focus and depth of field after you’ve taken your photo.


Unlike a DSLR or mirrorless camera that use interchangeable lenses for shooting in different situations, the Light L16 has multiple small and inexpensive camera modules that are built-in. The shutter button fires up to 10 small cameras out of 16 simultaneously, and using sophisticated computational imaging techniques, it fuses them together to create a single image with up to 52 megapixel resolution. Because the lenses are integrated into the camera from the beginning, you never have to swap them out, or carry them around as additional equipment.

With the exception of the shutter button, physical buttons and knobs are also abandoned, opting for a completely new type of touch screen interface that feels more like the user-friendly interface of a cell phone. And finally, after a lot of research and designs with folded optics, the team were able to fit all of this into a camera body small enough to fit in your pocket.

Because the Light L16 Camera captures from several different camera modules with different focal lengths, and at slightly different perspectives, it is said to be able to optimize your final image to provide the best possible clarity, and virtually eliminate noise, even in the darkest areas of your shot.


The Light L16 Camera will retail for USD 1,699 and ship in late summer 2016. A limited quantity will be available for pre-order through November 6 at a special price of USD 1,299. Reserve it here.

Image courtesy: Light

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