
Posted on Oct 18,2015 in Bicycle

Piaggio Electric Bike Project

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For almost seventy years, Piaggio Group has been a worldwide leader in development, production and sales of newer and newer forms of mobility. Out of this unique heritage of style and technology, today the Piaggio Electric Bike Project is born, a completely new vehicle that meets the most advanced needs and the most modern mobility trends.


Piaggio Electric Bike Project goes beyond the concept of an assisted-pedal bicycle and approaches the market as a vehicle that interprets the most progressive mobility needs at 360 degrees, no longer intended simply as the ability to move about, but also as the presence and sharing of information over the most modern network and interaction forms with your vehicle.

Thanks to PMP (Piaggio Multimedia Platform) technology, Electric Bike Project has an ultra advanced man-mechanical vehicle interface and guarantees constant data sharing with the world, giving you with the opportunity to interact from any location and with any environment in its physical, social and experience dimension. PMP allows constantly new functions to be developed from the fine tuning of “classic” services such as navigation up to any number of opportunities for personalisation of the powertrain operating modes over and above the base settings. In fact, conventional electrically pedal-assisted bicycles offer a limited and determined number of pedal assistance level settings with a contribution from the motor that always stays proportional to the energy applied by the cyclist once the operating mode is selected. The Piaggio Electric Bike Project, thanks to the exclusive DEA (Dynamic Engine Assistance) technology, allows the user to program the assistance level provided by the electric motor at a percentage that is always variable in ratio to the power provided by the cyclist.


The heart of the Piaggio Electric Bike is a 250W-350W electric power unit entirely designed, developed and built by the Piaggio Group. It is an ultra modern and extremely compact motor with a shape designed for perfect insertion in the elegant aesthetics of the Electric Bike. In fact, its axial-symmetric shape, in other words, designed around the pedal axle, allows it to include the entire electric motor hidden behind the sprocket in order to greatly reduce the aesthetic impact. But it is the entire powertrain (the motor, battery and control display assembly) of the Electric Bike Project that stands out for the technology it uses and for the functions it provides.


The electric motor control system works thanks to sophisticated control algorithms which guarantee its reliability. The latest generation display is “contactless” and automatically powered via NFC near the control unit. The USB connection serves the dual function of being a smartphone charger and software update port. Diagnostics are also possible via smartphone by the rider, whereas for the service centre operations are possible via tablet – thanks once again to Bluetooth technology – for a more complete check.


Piaggio Electric Bike Project also stands out for its high level of safety – the dashboard control unit, batteries and electric motor are connected unequivocally. This means that the three units can operate only if they are connected and communicating with one another. For example, removing the display (which operates as an electronic key) when parking renders the Electric Bike effectively unusable. A GPS/GSM module is housed in the battery which functions both as a satellite antitheft device and a data transmission element from/for the battery. This way the charge status can be checked with a smartphone and you can receive the alert status on your device in the event of a poor charge, for example after a long period of disuse.

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