
Posted on Nov 12,2015 in Bikers Cafe

German Travellers @ Bikers Café

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German travellers Ralf Kuerner and Laila Huysman are the latest adventurers to visit Bikers Café, where they were greeted by Mr. Sameer Salem of Bin Hadher Group. Having begun their journey back in 2008, the pair have passed through a staggering 36 countries in the Middle East and Africa in their quest for fun and adventure.


With no companies or organisations sponsoring the trip, the duo have been fortunate enough to not encounter any major issues with their Mercedes-Benz truck, which has remained a reliable and steadfast partner. Iran and India figure next on their list after the UAE. As with most travellers, Ralf and Laila love every country they visit, and soak in as much as they can, including the local culture and cuisine.

You can keep track of the journey on their Facebook page.

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