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The Lampster | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 21,2015 in Lifestyle

The Lampster

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The Lampster is a lamp made out of old tractor headlights, created by a young architect and an engineer. It was planned for personal use, as a side project, but because of the high demand from their friends the creators decided to have a Kickstarter and see if they could produce it for everyone. The feedback was amazing, and it got funded in less than 24 hours.


Because it’s designed to be used both as a desk lamp or an ambient light lamp, the Lampster it’s fitted with two light sources – a clear one, controlled by touch, and an RGB one controlled by mobile. It adds a touch of colour to the room both literally and metaphorically. When it’s needed, you can even combine the two light sources.


The body has a superhero stance and is designed with ergonomics in mind. It’s large enough to be used as a desk lamp (the full body is 46cm tall), the head rotates in any direction and the body is in perfect balance to hold the metal tractor headlight. The neck is made out of aluminium so it wouldn’t rust, the body is from recycled polyurethane.


Each one will be hand painted and the paint job is customizable, so you could choose from 9 basic colours, 3 styles in combination with any of the colours and 5 logos or any letters. The Lampster is available now on Kickstarter.

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