Posted on Nov 23,2015 in Bicycle

Le Derny » The Official Cycleworks Motor Pace

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Le Derny is a project born some months ago, moving from the idea to create something new to enjoy Deus’ passions in the best way possibile. Deus is a melting pot of passions and ideas, moving from motorcycling, to surf, lifestyle, cycling, skiing and apparel, and after some great motorbikes thought to enjoy riding and also the possibility to go surfing. Looks like they were ready for something new, moved by the passion for cycling.

Le Derny is based on one of the most modern coolest scooters in the market – Peugeot Django – it’s not a common Vespa or Lambretta, but is something very close to them in the spirit, and also with a very interesting history. Maybe not many people know it, but Peugeot made his first scooter in the 1953, creating a super nice bike with a real frame and a steel bodywork on it, the S55. And Deus started from this bike to make the customized Django, starting from a 150cc version to get the right power, and building it with the usual standard that is used for all Deus bikes.

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