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Bandit9 Panther | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 26,2015 in Custom

Bandit9 Panther

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It has been a while since we saw anything from Vietnam-based Bandit9, the last being the custom Honda SS50 and Yamaha XVS 400. Daryl Villanueva’s newest project is the Bandit9 Panther, based on a 2012 Triumph Bonneville T100. The custom Bonnie receives a modified frame, stainless steel fender, and several one-off bits including the tinted head light, brake light and turn signals. A custom leather seat, exhaust system and aluminium hand guards are other goodies you can find on the bike.

bandit9 panther

Limited to just nine units worldwide, the motorcycle is priced at USD 19,000.

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