Posted on Nov 28,2015 in Ural

Ural Dark Force

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IMZ-Ural, the Russian maker of heavy sidecar motorcycles, comes out with interesting limited edition models once in a while, like this Gaucho Rambler Limited Edition. Now, with the world in the midst of a Star Wars mania, the American arm of IMZ-Ural decided to jump in the bandwagon as well. As they put it, “From a factory far, far away; nestled in the Ural Mountains, comes the Dark Force. Standard equipped with lightsaber, LED lighting, and fully blacked out to hide you in the shadows.”


The Ural Dark Force is stock otherwise, which means it’s powered by the familiar 41 horsepower, 749cc OHV aircooled engine, and also features an Enduro bench seat.


Alongside the LED headlight, goodies include a black painted engine and ceramic-coated exhaust, as well as a toy lightsaber that clips to the side of the car. As we know, there are plans to make only 25 of these limited edition motorcycles, and will be available only in the USA.

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