Posted on Nov 30,2015 in Concept

Zetor by Pininfarina

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We really shouldn’t be doing tractors on a motorcycle blog, but the Zetor by Pininfarina looked too good to pass up. The almost Ferrari-esque agricultural machine is a concept for now, a joint project between the famed Italian design house and Czech company Zetor.


The body of the tractor is the casing for the machine’s mechanical components and an integral component of the structure. The result is characterized by power lines and a surface that offers the tractor its dynamics and power. The shaped side panels over mechanical components provide a practical yet graceful cover and hint at a link to the world of competitive motoring. This is assisted by the cooling vents, which suggest that great importance is given to preventing the engine from overheating. The two-tone paint supports the distinction between functional areas. The dark color separates the technical components from the rest, which is red.

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