
Posted on Dec 23,2015 in Bikers Cafe

The Traveller and the W123 @ Bikers Café

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We’ve been lucky to have had many travellers and adventurers at Bikers Café over the years, people who travel across the world in search of life’s many questions. Now we have yet another interesting individual, Mr. Sidahmed Ould Ahmed, who is not getting around in a bike or a camper as most travellers do, but in a classic W123 Mercedes-Benz! Born in Mauritania, and residing in Spain, the former boy scout is a master of several languages including Spanish, French, and Arabic, which help immensely on his journeys.


Sponsored by Mauritanian communication company Mattel, Sidahmed had passed through Morocco, France, Italy, Albania, Greece, Athens, Turkey, and Iran before arriving in Dubai on the 27th of October 2015. Usually sleeping in his tent across various locations, he intends to travel to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, a feat his ancestors have achieved in the past without the help of automobiles. As a person who loves all religions, learning new things and experiencing different cultures on the way is one of Sidahmed’s prime objectives.


The next stop for the man and his trusted steed, which he calls Goodroon, is Qatar, before arriving at their final destination in Saudi Arabia. The classic Mercedes hasn’t given Sidahmed any problems so far, happy with regular oil and filter changes every 10,000 kilometres. We wish both of them good luck, and hope the duo reach Mecca, and return back to Mauritania without any issues. Godspeed.

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