
Posted on Jan 06,2016 in Lifestyle

Globe Speakerboard Skateboard

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If you find fiddling with your headphones while skateboarding a major hassle, you’re not alone. The Globe Speakerboard Skateboard is the world’s first Bluetooth speaker board; designed in collaboration with Boombotix, its built-in speaker gives riders freedom from headphones and the ability to create the ultimate soundtrack for their ride. The GSB speaker integrates a 50mm driver and passive radiator so riders can feel bass under their feet. It’s encased in a ruggedized unit that’s impact and water-resistant. The package includes a 6″ USB cable for easy charging and works with any Bluetooth-enabled smart device.


The company says the board will run for over two hours at full charge and full volume, while 70 percent volume will let it run for more than six hours. The speaker takes three hours to fully charge from flat and is compatible with any USB charger.

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