
Posted on Jan 13,2016 in Photography

ExoLens for iPhone

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The iPhone is the most popular camera in the world, no doubt. But if you’re looking to push its imaging capabilities beyond the stock unit, American company Fellowes Brands seems to have the perfect solution for you. The ExoLens kit includes a 165-degree wide-angle lens that expands the iPhone’s frame by up to 35 percent capturing more context and allowing your images to reflect the way the human eye actually sees the world. The telephoto lens, one of the highest power on the market, provides an optical zoom for crisp distant images and pixel-perfect portrait photography.


ExoLens was designed as a modular photography platform: An integrated standard tripod mount (1/4-20) at the bottom of the machined aluminium bracket allows instant mounting to tripods, stabilizers, and more. Additionally, the bottom of the iPhone is free for mounting other photo and video accessories like flash equipment and directional microphones.

Buy it here.

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