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Cultural Camel Trek heading down home | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jan 29,2016 in Dubai

Cultural Camel Trek heading down home

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The finish line is honing in on the horizon for a group of would-be adventurers as the ‘In the Footsteps of our Ancestors’ expedition shall reach its final destination at Global Village here in just three days’ time.


The 10-day trek for the Emirati and expatriate explorers will conclude on Monday (February 1st), when they will be greeted by family, friends and plenty of well-wishers at Global Village.


Ibrahim Abdul Rahim, Directors of Events at the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Heritage Center (HHC), said: “You really need to experience for yourself what these people have done over the last week and a half as it’s an indescribable feeling. It’s hard to put into words. We look forward to acknowledging their achievement on Monday afternoon and I duly encourage all nationalities from across the world to come and sample our rich Emirati culture and heritage at the camel trek next year.”

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