
Posted on Feb 23,2016 in Bagger

Victory Magnum X-1 Stealth Edition

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Victory Motorcycles announces the return of the Magnum X-1 – the loudest Victory Bagger ever built, designed for serious music and motorcycle fans. The Magnum X-1’s paint job reflects the latest trend with a Stealth Grey suede monochrome style featuring colour-matched hinges, fender fillers, lower frame covers, dash, speaker grills and headlight bezel.


The Magnum X-1, Victory’s loudest bike ever, puts you centre stage as you roll down the road. Trips are measured in both miles and decibels. Twist the throttle and plug into 200 watts blasting through two 6×9″ woofers and two tweeters in the saddlebags, as well as two 5.25″ mid-bass speakers, two 2.5″ mid-ranges and two more tweeters in the front fairing. The audio system fully integrates into any Bluetooth capable device, and features an informational window for input and song selection.


Making a statement, the Magnum X-1 Stealth Edition features the largest front wheel offered by an OEM at 21″. The wheels are machined from a single block of aluminium to make them both lighter and stronger to maintain handling capabilities.


Inspired by a rock and roll laser show, the Magnum X-1’s smoke tinted LED headlight is 74 per cent brighter than Victory’s standard halogen bulb while the bike’s thin blade LED turn signals and flush LED tail lamp glow amongst the crowd.

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