
Posted on Feb 28,2016 in News

Motorcycle USA closing down!

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Motorcycle USA has been a staple in the motorcycle media field for 20 years. Even after Motorcycle USA quit making a physical magazine, it was still a major player in the motorcycle media space. Unfortunately, they have begun the process of winding down operations for the digital publication. The process commenced with past Friday being the last day of production and employment of all team members associated with the business. Digital publishing has faced growing obstacles in recent years as paid vs non-paid sites are continuing to find the right balance of content production and monetization. As a result, MAG Media Group has been exploring numerous options for the business over the last year which culminated in this decision to wind down. The current staff of Adam Waheed, Adam Booth, Ray Gauger, Byron Wilson, Dana Handegard, Richard Sultan, Bryan Harley and Eric Novisedlak – led by Bart Madson as Editor-in-Chief – are among the best in the business. Their strong, professional, and informative work leaves a lasting impact on motorcycle-oriented publishing.


The Motorcycle USA website will remain active for an extended period of time in order to continue to serve readers the well-written and highly informative articles, as well as the quality videos and photography that has accumulated over the years. This also provides an opportunity for the loyal advertisers on MotoUSA to continue to reach customers and enthusiasts. On average, several hundred thousand visitors come to Motorcycle USA each month for editorial content on bikes, gear, products and accessories. They are specifically seeking out existing material while considering purchases or are gathering data to enhance their motorcycle riding lifestyles.


Started in 1996, Motorcycle USA became a prevalent and sought after source for all things related to motorcycles. The founder, Don Becklin, saw a need and fulfilled it in a meaningful way. In turn, he started Motorcycle Superstore as a way to take the product reviews from print to purchase. The result is a commerce company that has grown exceptionally larger, focused on delivering top quality motorcycle parts, gear and accessories through a strong assortment and quality customer service.

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