
Posted on Mar 01,2016 in Bicycle

Ducati Bicycles by Bianchi

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Advanced technological content, style and Italian design are the distinctive features of the 2016 range of Ducati branded bicycles created by Bianchi, confirming the synergy and the common values of these two iconic ‘Made in Italy’ brands. There are many new and interesting additions to the 2016 range, with Mountain Bikes as well as Sport, Junior, Kids and E-bike models.


Each segment comes with its own characteristics. The Mountain Bikes stand out for their clear sports approach, something that Ducati and Bianchi share. The Sport and E-bike models have a very modern, technological influence while careful in blending innovation and tradition. The Ducati bicycles for youngsters are inspired by the graphics of the Monster and the Hypermotard, two unique bikes from the Bologna-based manufacturer.


The partnership between the two brands has given birth to a line of bicycles that are modern as well as ready to take on any type of terrain and, above all, boast the unmistakeable Italian character. The Ducati bicycles engineered by Bianchi, distributed by Alpen, a Bianchi Group company, are available in some selected Ducati Stores and in the specialised bicycle stores worldwide.

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  • Hello !!!

    I am intesting to buy Ducati bicycle for myself.
    bike should be mountain or road bike. Anyway it must be Ducati

    i am ex president of Ducati Club Finland and driven by Ducati allready 700 000 km.
    thats way wy I want only Ducati or Bianchi.

    Can You help me?