
Posted on Mar 04,2016 in Bicycle

2cycletheworld @ Bikers Café

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We frequently have the privilege to host travellers at Bikers Café, intrepid adventurers who traverse the globe in their trusty vehicles. This time though, we were visited by a pair of cyclists – Baerbel Gerhardt from Germany and Johan de Vries from Netherlands.


Under the banner 2cycletheworld, the duo have been exploring the world since September 2012, covering an astounding 30 countries in the process. Though not part of any cycling club, the cyclists are sponsored by German companies Idworx and Rohloff, with the cycles having been purchased from the former for a small price. Baerbel and Johan maintain the cycles themselves, with the sponsors being generous enough to source and deliver any necessary parts to wherever they might be.


Of course, crossing continents means that they get to experience a variety of cultures and food along the way. Tropical fruits from Thailand and the rest of Asia, Middle Eastern sweets, coffee and pasta from Italy, all count as the duo’s favourites.


In Dubai since the 17th of February, they love the way how old traditions seamlessly blend with the emirate’s cosmopolitan lifestyle. In addition to the safe and friendly nature of the bustling city, the warm hospitality extended by Emiratis was another aspect that appealed to the pair. The final leg of the journey will be from Alaska to South America in April, with the adventure culminating in Chile.


Having left their jobs, houses and cars behind, Baerbel and Johan lay claim to bare essentials like tents, sleeping bags, stoves, water filters, and such. “Live your dream”, they say, “There are better people around the world than you think.”

You can follow them on their website or on Facebook. Alternatively, you can email them at [email protected].

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