
Posted on Mar 13,2016 in Lifestyle

Exposed Motorcycle Bivouac

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A bivouac, or a temporary camp, is your reliable companion on your journeys, providing the necessary shelter and let you enjoy the outdoors the purest way possible. Realised by a group of outdoor and motorcycle enthusiasts who enjoy travelling light, the bivouac uses the motorcycle as a part of the supporting structure to reduce the package size to a minimum.


Materials for the Exposed Motorcycle Bivouac are carefully selected, crafted to last and designed to provide a perfect shelter. There is enough room for one person and luggage. The zippered vent allows you to stand upright on your mattress, while luggage can be accessed quickly from the side. The bivouac adapts fully to different motorcycle heights: from a low chopper, mid-sized scrambler to a high cross machine. In addition, your seat is always protected from rain, no matter what your choice of ride.


The bivouac is made from Cordura, a well-proven outdoor fabric. Robustness and durability are integral to this product’s construction, far beyond the rip-stop nylon of a regular tent. The fibres of this dense fabric are processed with a trademark coating for the highest level of water impermeability. The product comes with a peg and pole pocket. It forms a rolled tent package only 15cm in diameter and 45cm in width. These dimensions can be adjusted to perfectly fit your motorcycle, from a thicker shorter roll to a thinner longer roll. The leather binding strap serves also for mounting.

Pre-order on Kickstarter.

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