Posted on Mar 19,2016 in Apparel

Nike Hyperadapt 1.0

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Back in 1989, when Marty McFly sported a pair of Nike Air Mags in Back to the Future, they were an immensely cool piece of fictional tech, something we dreamed would make its way into real life. 27 years later, Nike has just announced that our dreams are going to come true. It had shown that power-lacing shoes were possible a while back; but now, with the Nike Hyperadapt 1.0, we will actually be able to buy self-lacing shoes in the near future. Later this year in fact, as the company puts it.


After significant research into digital, electrical and mechanical engineering, the high-tops employ a battery-powered series of pulleys and underfoot sensors, the latter registering your weight and the position of the foot inside. Once the sensors gather the necessary info, tiny pulleys will contract the throat of the shoe tightly around the foot by winding thread around a spool. You get to adjust the tightness by pushing on a plus or minus sign on the left side of the shoe. Hold it down for two seconds, and the shoe will loosen fully, allowing increased blood flow and removal. Eventually, Nike says it wants to make the micro-adjustments automated and reactive to biometric data, so they adjust on the fly.


Source: Wired

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