Posted on Mar 21,2016 in Adventure

Around the World in a Ford Model T

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Driving around the world is no mean feat. Doing it in a 100-year-old Ford Model T car is a staggering challenge. That is exactly what Dirk and Trudy Regter from the Netherlands are attempting. In 2012, the retired husband and wife team decided to take a long trip in the 1915 Model T they have owned since 1997, but couldn’t make up their minds where to go. So they decided to “do the whole world.”


The intrepid couple didn’t plan too much. For the first leg of their journey – from the Netherlands to South Africa, they simply headed south and waited to see what the day would bring.

So far, they’ve conquered Africa, North America and South America, covering almost 50,000 miles to raise money for international children’s aid organisation SOS – Children’s Villages. Watch Dirk recount the many highs and occasional lows of their amazing journey.

Follow the adventure here.

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