Posted on Mar 28,2016 in Indian Motorcycles

Jay Leno’s Garage » 1931 Indian 101 Scout

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The Scout, built by the Indian Motocycle Company from 1920 to 1949, rivaled the Chief as Indian’s most important model. In mid 1928, the Scout Series 101 replaced the original Scout; designed by Charles B. Franklin, who had designed the original Scout, the 101 Scout was noted for its handling and was popular with racers, hillclimbers, and trick riders. In 1931, Indian’s management decided to rationalize production by designing a new corporate frame that, with some detail variations, would be used across their entire, new-for-1932 model range of Scout, Chief and Four. The 101 Scout has been called the best motorcycle Indian ever made, and Jay explains why it is one of the greatest American motorcycles of all time.

Cover photo: Trevor Hedge via MCNews.com.au

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