
Posted on Mar 30,2016 in Custom

Fuller Moto » Super Duc

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Bryan Fuller is a master builder, designer, TV personality and author. The Super Duc is the stylish twin of his Dirty Duc – two customized Ducati Scramblers. Bryan built two of them because he “wanted two custom dirt bikes to ride at the 6000-acre Durhamtown off-road resort, and around the streets of downtown Atlanta. One for me, and one for a friend to come with.”


After Bryan picked up the first bike – a Ducati 250 Scrambler from the Sixties – at the Barber Vintage Festival, he took the engine to Rich Lambrechts at DesmoPro for a rebuild. Turns out the Rich had enough parts lying around in the shop for a second, identical Scrambler, and thus the Super Duc was born. The tail section is new, swingarms have been extended by two inches, and there is a custom chain guide and tensioner arrangement, but numerous bits are identical as well, including the chassis and even the twin rear shock arrangements. Both engines were carefully and comprehensively rebuilt, along with the addition of electronic ignitions and 12V conversions, Speedcell Lithium-ion batteries, K&N filters, ARP stainless steel fasteners, and other upgrades.


Vintage Ceriani forks at the front are joined by wheels composed of Borrani rims mated with Buchanan stainless steel spokes; both units fitted with Pirelli MT 21 RallyCross tyres. Other goodies include custom exhausts, hand-made headers, Cone Engineering mufflers, Super Pratic throttle, repro Ducati grips, KTM foot pegs, LED lighting, perforated black leather seat, and a unique paint job.

Visit the website. Photos: Matthew Jones

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