
Posted on Apr 08,2016 in Concept

Yamaha 04GEN Scooter

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Yamaha Motor Co. is exhibiting the 04GEN scooter design concept at the ongoing Vietnam Motorcycle Show 2016. Held in Ho Chi Minh City from April 7 to 10, the show is the first motorcycle show event held in Vietnam.


The Yamaha 04GEN Scooter was designed based on the RUN-WAY concept, which evokes the image of women with an air of dignified elegance and grace in mind and body. Compared to regular scooter body structures – which hide the frame with exterior parts – the 04GEN only covers the frame with semi-transparent exterior parts. Showcasing the beautifully-engineered interior structure brings a lightness to the body, creating a new design which synthesizes the interior and exterior.


Yamaha Motor, which has positioned design as a central pillar of product creation from its founding, established Refined Dynamism as its design philosophy in 2013, and is putting energy into developing products that realize the unique style of Yamaha. Based on this philosophy, Yamaha Motor has announced three design concepts to date: The 01GEN in 2014, a crossover motorcycle with two wheels at the front, the 02GEN, an alluring electrically power-assisted wheelchair, also in 2014, and in 2015 the 03GEN, mobility enhanced by optional colors, materials, and finishing for the TRICITY.

See more of the Yamaha 04GEN Scooter here.

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