
Posted on Apr 18,2016 in BMW

BMW K100 Impuls K101

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The BMW K100 Impuls K101 is a handcrafted motorcycle project from Philipp Wulk and Matthias Pittner – aka Impuls – in collaboration with artist Fabian Gatermann. Based on a BMW K100 from 1985, the team manufactured a unique and essential motorcycle. Through the completely new interpretation of the bike in terms of appearance and the custom manufactured parts, the motorbike itself becomes an iconic and minimal artwork. The K101 project builds a new fusion between art and motorcycle.


Artist Fabian Gatermann brought the whole motorcycle back into 3D and created a set of polygons through manual iteration and draw them back onto the motorcycle by hand. The process of building a bike from scratch with drawing, 3D modeling and manufacturing is expanded back to the computer and a manual redrawing onto the bike.

Handbuilt by Impuls in Munich. On sale at Weekend Heroes.

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