Grizzly on track to break World Record
Swiss rider Grizzly swiftly rode through the Americas in just 19 days. His final goal is to go around the world in just 100 days on a modified Cross Country that he has named Victory Daytona ONE. Grizzly started the record attempt with a lap of the Daytona Speedway during Daytona Bike Week in March and then made his way south through the USA to Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.
The third stage involved a distance of 3,360km and Grizzly covered this in an incredible 2 days and 23 hours. He has been through 36 sets of customs clearances, 100 mountain passes and has ridden on sand and through snow. Grizzly is now back on the road in Australia for the next stage of his adventure and is riding from Sydney to Perth. So far he has ridden 19,840 km in 19 days and 12 hours – averaging almost 1,000km a day. With a further 75 days ahead of him, the scale of his attempt really does start to show, as does his remarkable endurance.
Grizzly commented: “I am well! And the stage from Central America to South America is now completed. Now I’m looking forward to Australia! I’d like to say thank you for all the motivating messages I receive everyday. Please don’t be disappointed that I am not able to answer personally. I’m absolutely happy for your attention and it is a big honour and motivation for me. Don’t stop writing please.”
During Grizzly’s attempt, the timer is only stopped at airports when his bike is airlifted to the next continent. After Australia Grizzly will fly to Cape Town and then start riding his way up through Africa.
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