Posted on May 19,2016 in Dubai

NGM brings Zero Motorcycles to UAE

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New Generation Motorcycles (NGM), the exclusive GCC importers for Zero Motorcycles, is on course to deliver the first batch of Zero Motorcycles to its UAE customers. A global leader in high performance electric motorcycles, Zero Motorcycles combine the best aspects of a traditional motorcycle experience with today’s most advanced technology. Zero produces high-performance electric motorcycles that are lightweight, efficient, fast off-the-line and fun to ride.


“Motorcycle enthusiasts in the UAE can now buy any model from the Zero Motorcycles range. A truly unique riding experience, Zero is undoubtedly the most advanced and innovative electric motorcycle in the market,” said Ali Faisal al-Mutawa, General Manager of NGM. “Our commitment to unmatched customer experience means we are delivering our UAE customers’ orders right to their doorsteps,” added Al-Mutawa. “Once the first Zero Motorcycles hit the UAE’s streets, they will capture the attention of motorists across the country.”


For 2016, Zero Motorcycles has unleashed a pair of new high-performance models: the Zero DSR and Zero FXS, which features an all new Z-Force motor.

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