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Roland Sands Capsule Collection | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on May 28,2016 in Apparel

Roland Sands Capsule Collection

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A new chapter in the Faster Sons story, an apparel collaboration with Roland Sands. From this collaboration, the Capsule Collection has emerged, compact and with a few key styles, but fully Faster Sons.


As a professional racer, Roland Sands has a long history with Yamaha on TZs and off-road machines, culminating in the Kenny Roberts inspired Yard Built ‘Faster Wasp’. Having fully embraced the ‘Faster Sons’ philosophy, Roland has further extended his association with Yamaha to create a new casual apparel collection that encapsulates the philosophy with an unmistakable Roland Sands twist. The Capsule Collection includes a range of garments from jackets to t-shirts, as well as other items to compliment the range and provide that unmistakable Faster Sons look.

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