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Boeing 747-400 Headlight Lamp | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jun 08,2016 in Lifestyle

Boeing 747-400 Headlight Lamp

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The Boeing 747-400 is the most popular model of the iconic jumbo jet. The -400, which rolled out in 1988, incorporates technological advancements such as 6′ winglets and a two-crew glass cockpit to enhance efficiency and reduce operating costs.


This artifact is a large floor lamp constructed from a pair of genuine headlights from a retired 747-400. Boeing’s craftspeople removed protruding parts from the headlight housing for safety; custom-fabricated a base plate from half-inch hot-rolled steel and a top cap from 1/8″ aluminium with a 3/4″ lip; replaced the electrical transformers and wiring; added two halogen sealed-beam headlights with adhesive window film on the surface to reduce brightness; and reinforced the structure with vertical supports.


The result is a sculptural piece with both practical function and historical significance. Certificate of Authenticity is included. Priced at USD 7,500.

Buy it here.

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