
Posted on Jun 13,2016 in Custom

RSD Scout » Part Deux

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We’ve already featured the RSD Scout, a custom that incorporates the vision of the Roland Sands brand, a motorcycle that draws heavy inspiration from the past while increasing performance to modern levels. Raw and unfinished, the bike featured exposed wiring and a mangled mass of cooling and radiators complete with Zip Ties. That said, the custom-framed modern Indian Scout project has finally been finished up and RSD shipped it to France for the Wheels & Waves event in Biarritz . Since the last post, a lot has been done, it seems.


The crew built a complete Chromoly girder fork from scratch, including an Öhlins TTX mountain bike shock for some controlled dampening, new radiators, cleaned up the cooling system, constructed a faux oil bag to house all of the electronics, built a custom stainless exhaust using RSD‘s new “Track” muffler components, and plenty of other details. The frame, fork and swingarm where powdercoated in a beautiful vintage Indian red and Airtrix knocked out an amazing matching paint job for the sheet metal with hand-turned gold leaf accents. The build intends to pay proper homage to the original scouts that tore up race tracks all over the USA from the 1920s through the 1950s.

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