Posted on Nov 15,2016 in Concept

NERVE Driverless Motorcycle comes to Dubai

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NERVE, one of the world’s leading innovative technology companies, showcased the world’s fastest driverless motorcycle at Gulf Traffic 2016. Developed by NERVE, the Autonomous Street Racer motorcycle is the world-record holder in its class for acceleration times, reaching speeds of 300 km/h.

Taking part as Smart Mobility Sponsor at this year’s conference, NERVE also displayed some of the company’s very latest in electric and autonomous vehicle technology, set to disrupt urban transportation models all over the world. One example is NERVE’s Smart Cruiser; a smart, green, tough, all-terrain, high-speed and multifunctional solar-powered vehicle with flawless suspension and integrated robot technology.


Headquartered in Denmark, NERVE traces its origins to 2002, and is committed to creating a better world through technology. The multi world-record holding company works with governments and private sector corporations around the world to provide cutting-edge solutions to challenges affecting a broad number of sectors, including transport, urban planning, civil defense and energy. NERVE and its sister companies continue to act as developer, subcontractor and dealer for Danish Railroads, Tesla, Jaguar, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Google and many others.


During this year’s Gulf Traffic conference, NERVE Founder and CTO Soeren O. Ekelund delivered an informative speech focusing on the future of transport and mobility within the context of sustainable development. He shed light on the delicate balance between people, society and technology, and how each must be considered to achieve a more sustainable future. His insights and case studies are expected to fuel discussions about how technology can be used to drive Dubai’s ambition to become a Smart City.


NERVE entered the Middle East market in 2016, choosing Dubai as its focal point for servicing the region. The company is already forging strong relationships with public and private sector organizations who are interested in implementing the latest in electric and autonomous vehicle technology.

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