Posted on Nov 20,2016 in Custom

Sacred Steel Bikes on Discovery Channel

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Sacred Steel Bikes follows a diverse group of elite individuals who come from a multitude of careers. From an automotive engineer to a metal fabricator to a high-end Beverly Hills retail associate, artisans from all spectrum of life are united in their passion for bike building and riding. The club has granted them a motorcycle oasis to live out their alter egos.


Jason Wilson opened shop with Sacred Steel over a decade ago and never looked back, crafting custom fabricated high-end choppers and painstakingly restoring American classics. From humble beginnings, Jason and his motley crew of misfit friends honed their mechanical skills and founded Douche LaRouche, now a full-fledged institution, complete with bylaws, regular meetings and in chapters across the country and around the globe. The members have built a tight-knit brotherhood who have each others’ back all while having the time of their lives.


Each year, Jason and the team transform dozens of bikes into masterpieces. If the customer has the cash or the connections, there is no limit on what they can do. Through favors to other members, neighboring chapters, and friends of friends, Jason has grown an immense clientele alongside his wild crew. Sacred Steel Bikes captures the build along with the adrenaline-fuelled world of bikers. The guys are as loud as their bikes – and enjoy having fun along the ride.

You can follow Sacred Steel Bikes on Discovery Channel.

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