Posted on Feb 18,2017 in BMW

BMW Motorrad Machined Parts

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Turning a motorbike into an unmistakably unique specimen is something that particularly fuels the motorcycling passion of many fans. This is precisely why BMW Motorrad has extended the design program of its Original BMW Motorrad Accessories to include the “Machined” range of customising parts for the models R nineT, R nineT Pure, R nineT Scrambler, R nineT Racer and R nineT Urban G/S.

Elaborately produced in high-quality aluminium, their extravagant design is mainly intended to lend expression to an individual passion for fine, premium-grade motorcycle technology.

The unique design was created in collaboration with Roland Sands, the well-known customiser based in USA/California. A special manufacturing technique ensures a surface quality with attractive contrasts between glossy black and aluminium.

The parts are initially made from an aluminium forging blank using a CNC-controlled machine tool, after they undergo elaborate hand-polishing before application of a black coating. Selected areas are then milled once more so that the original distinctive aluminium surface becomes visible again.

All “Machined Parts” bear a BMW logo or a BMW Motorrad inscription. The inscription “by Roland Sands Design” is also applied to emphasise the designer’s signature style. In the colour combination black-aluminium, the parts blend in particularly organically with the vintage look of the models.

The following “Machined Parts” are now available from BMW Motorrad dealerships:

Cylinder head covers Machined
Oil filler neck lid Machined
Belt cover Machined
Headlight cover Machined
Handlebar end cover Machined
Rear axle cover Machined
Bevel gear bearing cover Machined
Swinging-arm pivot mount cover Machined

Other “Machined Parts” products are in preparation.

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