Posted on Apr 23,2017 in Dubai

Dub Drive GCC 2017

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Volkswagen owners and fans from across the region gathered at the Dubai Autodrome on Friday 21 April at the largest ever exclusive event for the GCC. 150 cars and 300 owners from the Kingdoms of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates participated in the invitation only Volkswagen ‘Dub Drive GCC 2017’ event to showcase their unique cars and convoy across the UAE. The first-of-its-kind gathering for Volkswagen in the region saw classic, limited edition and production Volkswagen models take part in a 150 car convoy around Dubai, before converging at the Dubai Autodrome for track laps and a wider celebration of the cars.

“This gathering is evidence of our dedication to our customers in the region through our extensive dealer network. We thrive on customer satisfaction; delivering Volkswagen brand events that excite our customers are essential to push us to better serve our customers. The turnout at our first event has been outstanding, and we are planning bigger and better things for next year’s event,” Andrew Savvas, Brand Director, Volkswagen Middle East.

Golf GTI owner, Hamad Al-Hajry from Oman said: “I have been a member of my local Volkswagen car team for over four years, and this is the first time that I have travelled outside of Oman to participate in an event of this scale. I would like to thank Volkswagen Middle East and the team organisers for the support and allowing me to be a part of such a unique and extraordinary event.”

Organizers from the worlds biggest Volkswagen Clubs attended the event, with the intention of connecting fans worldwide. The convoy, consisting of over 150 vehicles, moved seamlessly through the streets of Dubai with the support of the RTA, civil defense and Dubai Police, creating a network of clear routes for the ultimate Volkswagen fans.

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