Posted on May 30,2017 in Indian Motorcycles

“World’s Fastest Indian” to be memorialized

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It’s been 50 years since Burt Munro took his Indian Scout Streamliner to the Bonneville Salt Flats and made history – a story immortalised in the feature film, The World’s Fastest Indian, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins. This August, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Munro’s iconic land speed record, Indian Motorcycle is teaming up with Kiwi road racer Lee Munro, Burt Munro’s great nephew, to recreate a historic run at Bonneville on Sunday 13th August.

The team isn’t competing in any class of racing, just purely making a run on the salt flats to pay homage to the legendary Burt Munro and to set a speed record on a modern-day Indian Motorcycle – called the Spirit of Munro Scout.

Munro’s legacy transcends motorcycles and symbolises the much broader drive to push beyond conventional limitations to experience or achieve what is seemingly impossible. Burt Munro’s name is known by shed builders across the globe and is the ultimate example of the gritty, adrenaline-fuelled pastime of expanding the limits of speed at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

“Motorcycling is about shedding boundaries and limitations to go beyond the norm and there is no better example of that than Burt Munro,” said Reid Wilson, Indian Motorcycle Marketing Director. “Driven by unparalleled determination and a legendary passion for the pursuit, Burt Munro embodies the spirit of Indian Motorcycle and we couldn’t be prouder to honour his legacy with an updated version of his historic record on the Bonneville Salt Flats in August.”

Lee Munro will pilot a modern-day Indian Scout with a powertrain modified by the Indian Motorcycle engineering team and a slick aerodynamic shell in an effort to become the world’s fastest modern day Indian motorcycle. The run will not break Burt’s record, but instead will honour his storied legacy in the world of motorcycling. Indian’s team of engineers volunteered to be a part of this historic attempt, working on the project ‘after hours’ and have been fuelled by their own ambition to push beyond boundaries. The team will perform several test runs in El Mirage, California before Lee Munro takes to the Salt Flats of Bonneville.

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