
Posted on Jan 23,2013 in

OSSA reveal new lightweight trial bikes

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Spanish trials bike maker OSSA were revived from closure in 2010 by a group of businessmen, and have had a successful relaunch, and even finished fifth in the 2012 World Trials Championship, beating both Honda and Yamaha. For the current year, they’ve come out with two new two-stroke models for 2013, the TR280 and TR125.

Utilizing know-how gleaned from OSSA’s FIM World Trials team, the TR280 is updated for the first time since its launch, with revisions intended to cut weight (it weighs just 64 kilos dry) and increase manoeuvrability. The TR125 is more of a beginner bike. Apparently the lightest in the market, it features technology derived from the TR280, including fuel injection and monoblock crankcase.

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