Posted on Feb 05,2013 in Bicycle

Trials Riding Tutorials » TrashZen

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If you’re neck deep into trials riding or just taking baby steps, this site ought to do you good. While newbies could always do with a lot of tips and tricks, pros can also benefit from TrashZen’s in-depth coverage of this specialized mountain biking discipline. Comprehensive tutorials help you learn all the bike trials techniques and, thanks in no little way to accompanying step-by-step photos and videos, you’ll also learn how to pedal kick, pedal up, drop and much more.

The riding techniques detailed on this site cover the most common obstacles and scenarios found in bike trials. Sometimes, a simple variation on a technique makes it look completely different and counter-intuitive to grasp. Often these variations require a different thinking, and because bike trials is also a mind game, Julien (who’s the editor for TrashZen) found it important to stress what it should feel like, and what you should be aiming at when performing the move. Each zone is organized in a natural progression, from the easiest to the more challenging techniques.

TrashZen was apparently designed from scratch as a comprehensive online tutorial to help mountain bikers and riders from all horizons improve their riding skills. At the time of launch (summer 1998), there were simply no illustrated tutorials available on the web. Not finding any decent learning material on the web, Julien decided to post my observations as he progressed in this sport, later came the illustrations. Happy biking!

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