
Posted on Feb 13,2013 in Buell

Magpul Ronin 1125R » Legend of the 47

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The Magpul Ronin 1125R is one of those motorcycles that pops out of the woodwork every now and then, and completely muddles up your preconcieved notions of how a motorcycle should look like. Reception of the original 1125R – a concept developed by firearms accessories and parts manufacturer Magpul – was so overwhelming that Magpul started a new subsidiary company called Ronin Motorworks, with the sole purpose of building and selling the Ronin. So why the name “Ronin” and what is the legend behind the 47?

The story goes like this. “Ronin”, in feudal Japan, referred to a Samurai who has lost their master through death or disgrace. Traditionally, the Samurai would commit seppuku (ritual suicide), but some choose to live on, often making a living as highway robbers or bodyguards, the Ronin. Perhaps the most famous Ronin were the 47 Samurai who were labelled Ronin when their master was forced to commit seppuku. After two years of meticulous planning, the 47 Ronin sought out the man responsible and killed him. Once they had their revenge, each one committed seppuku, thereby becoming legendary in Japan and around the world.

Limited to a production run of 47 motorcycles, each hand-built bike will be powered by a Buell V-twin and issued a unique name. An initial release of 10 bikes in the original silver and black trim will start at $38,000, with the company stating that there will be a few other variants in the future. Release of the Ronin models will begin in mid-2013 and will occur in stages until the 47th Ronin leaves the workshop, at which time production will cease.

For updates, availablity and news about the evolution of the Ronin, you can contact them at: [email protected]

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